Truvada Side Effects Lawsuit for Kidney Problems and Bone Loss

4 min read

Truvada Side Effects Lawsuit for Kidney Problems and Bone Loss

Truvada is an HIV drug formulated to prevent and treat human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. Unfortunately, its creator, Gilead Sciences, neglected to warn the public about the risks of this drug which can cause bone loss and kidney problems. On this basis, the Truvada side effects lawsuit emerged.

Through this article, we will feature information about what Truvada is, the lawsuit, and what compensation you can get. So, without further ado, start reading!

Get to Know Truvada: First HIV Drug from Gilead Sciences

Truvada is basically the name of the first branded HIV drug formulated and developed by Gilead Sciences using TDF or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine (FTC). This HIV drug was first introduced in the 2000s and soon turned out to be both a blessing and a breakthrough.

However, for the more than 1 million Americans living with HIV, Truvada has truly become their savior. This HIV drug proved to be effective in helping slow down the progression of HIV disease while protecting HIV-negative patients from contracting the deadly disease.

Truvada’s effectiveness in stemming HIV disease is due to the combination of TDF and FTC. Both of these are formulated to:

  • Block the RT enzyme that stops reproducing HIV cells from growing and duplicating.
  • Reduce the risk of contracting HIV as part of pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP which is a new HIV prevention tool.

A bit of hindsight, Truvada was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2001. Then in 2004, the FDA approved Truvada as an HIV treatment. After 8 years, Truvada’s manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, sought FDA approval for PrEP use and received approval in 2012.

Unfortunately, due to its composition, Truvada is a drug that must be taken in high doses to effectively block HIV. This can lead to long-term side effects and even permanent damage. These side effects include loss of bone density and kidney problems.

Truvada Side Effects Lawsuit. What are the Lawsuits?

In general, there are two allegations that most plaintiffs have brought against Truvada and its manufacturer, Gilead Sciences. These are the manufacturer’s failure to warn of the drug’s side effects and the allegation that the manufacturer concealed a safer drug. For more details, see the points below.

1. Failure to Warn of Truvada’s Side Effects

Many of the plaintiffs claim that Gilead Sciences knew that Truvada had frequent design flaws that led to serious side effects. In addition, the Truvada side effects lawsuit also claims that the company failed to warn doctors and patients about the risks of using this drug.

Also, each lawsuit claims that Gilead Sciences knew that the TDF drug was highly toxic at the prescribed dose. Yet the company continues to falsely claim that TDF is harmless and will not harm patients’ bone density or kidneys.

2. Injecting a Safer Drug

The second lawsuit against Gilead Sciences alleges that the company injected a safer drug development called tenofovir alafenamide (TAF). TAF itself is a safer drug than TDF in that the body can absorb TAF better. This makes TAF more potent with lower doses.

In addition, it is also said that Gilead had researched TAF long before Truvada received FDA approval in 2004. However, since TDF had just been patented and still had many years of protection, the company preferred to market TDF and set a very high price per dose.

Then, in 2010 when TDF’s patent expired, the company announced the discovery of a new drug that could revolutionize HIV treatment called TAF. Considering this, the plaintiffs allege that Gilead Sciences delayed the introduction of TAF for business reasons at the expense of high-risk users of TDF-based HIV drugs.

Injuries Mentioned in Truvada Side Effects Lawsuit

In the lawsuit against Truvada and Gilead Sciences, there are two side effects and injuries that are most commonly suffered by Truvada users. These two side effects are bone loss and kidney problems. Moreover, several studies have linked TDF to side effects that include bone and kidney problems. Here are the details:

1. Kidney Problems

The first documented case of kidney toxicity in connection with TDF occurred in the United States in the same year that the drug hit the market in 2001. According to Willem D.F. Venter in the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine in 2018 a patient suffered an acute kidney injury after taking Truvada.

In addition, there are several kidney problems listed in the Truvada side effects lawsuit, including:

  • Acute Kidney Injury or Acute Kidney Failure
  • Chronic Kidney Disease or decreased kidney function
  • Fanconi syndrome is a disorder in which certain substances that are normally absorbed into the blood are instead excreted in the urine
  • Renal tubular dysfunction

2. Loss of Bone Density

A study by Grae A. McComsey in 2018, said that the cause of loss of bone mineral density in HIV patients is antiretroviral therapy (ART) and drugs containing TDF or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. This is one of the drugs contained in Truvada. Below are three types of bone injuries listed in the Truvada side effects lawsuit.

  • Osteopenia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Bone fracture

In addition to kidney problems and loss of bone density, patients taking Truvada also experience several other long-term side effects. These side effects include:

  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Insomnia
  • Itching
  • Joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Inflammation in mucous membranes
  • Weight loss

Compensation You Can Get from Truvada Side Effects Lawsuit

There are two types of damages that you can get when you win a lawsuit against Truvada, economic and non-economic. Here is the explanation:

1. Economic Damages

If you have medical bills and other expenses that have piled up due to illnesses arising from the use of Truvada, you can obtain substantial economic damages through a lawsuit. Economic damages should reimburse you for the actual costs you incurred due to your illness or condition. 

  • Past, present, and possible future medical expenses
  • Past, present, and potential future lost income due to your injury
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Household services
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

2. Non-Economic Losses

When you suffer a severe injury or a severe and permanent medical condition due to a defective drug, you can recover substantial non-economic losses. These non-economic losses that you can recover include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental distress
  • Aggravation of earlier injuries
  • Disability
  • Decreased quality of life

Have You Understood Truvada Side Effects Lawsuit?

Truvada lawsuit is a lawsuit filed against Truvada and its manufacturer, Gilead Sciences. Although as of December 2023, there is no definite decision regarding the lawsuit against Truvada, it is said that the first federal trial will be conducted in April 2024.

With this reassurance, it is hoped that you and other patients who have experienced acute kidney injury or loss of bone density can immediately get the rights and compensation you deserve.

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