Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit: The Weeds Killer and Law

4 min read

Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit: The Weeds Killer and Law

Roundup, the weed killer product can be the cause of cancer. This fact appears to be a cause of serious concern among people who have been in contact with it. Therefore, the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit exists to be a safeguard for the sufferers. Let’s check the further information about it below!

What is Roundup Cancer?

Before we talk further about the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit, we will necessarily talk about Roundup cancer first. Roundup is a well-known herbicide manufactured by the agricultural business Monsanto. In addition, Bayer is the owner of this company. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup. 

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide widely used to control weeds in agriculture, forestry, and home gardening. In recent years, there have been concerns and legal controversies surrounding the potential link between Roundup/glyphosate exposure and an increased risk of cancer. 

However, this product can be the cause of particularly non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Some individuals who have used Roundup extensively, particularly agricultural workers, landscapers, and farmers. Somehow, they have claimed that prolonged exposure to glyphosate contributed to their development of cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), classified glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen” in 2015. This classification was according to evidence from animal studies, epidemiological studies, and mechanistic data. 

However, regulatory agencies in various countries have maintained that glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic to humans when used according to label instructions. In detail, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) includes it. 

What Is The Relation Between Roundup and Law Recently?

The debate over the potential carcinogenicity of glyphosate has led to numerous lawsuits against Monsanto and Bayer. In some cases, juries have awarded substantial damages to individuals who claimed that their use of Roundup contributed to their cancer diagnosis. 

These legal cases have brought attention to the safety of glyphosate and have spurred further research and discussions about its potential health effects. Anyways, regulatory agencies often update their assessments based on new research findings. 

Individuals who have concerns about glyphosate exposure or who have been diagnosed with cancer after using Roundup should consult with medical professionals. They also should consult with legal experts to understand their options and rights. 

Further, the facts above will lead us to understand the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit in more detail.

What is The Claim for Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit?

Based on the information taken from the website of Texas Roundup Lawsuit about the claim for the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit, Roundup may have participated a part in the disease’s development. This fact happens if you acquire non-Hodgkin lymphoma following similar amounts of publicity.

However, these are not isolated incidents. In addition, a judge in California awarded one victim $80 million. The judges also awarded $1 billion in punitive damages to two more victims, as well as $55 million in pain, suffering, and expenditures. 

These prior settlements attest to Monsanto’s dishonesty and malice in its marketing and sales practices. According to US Right to Know, over 13,000 people have brought forward lawsuits alleging that Roundup was a contributing factor in the establishment of their non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Besides, they also demand Monsanto attempt to conceal the hazards from customers. Millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages have been awarded by juries.

What Will Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit Attorneys Fight for?

Attorneys representing plaintiffs in Texas Roundup cancer lawsuits typically fight for various legal objectives on behalf of their clients. Yet, the specific goals may vary depending on the details of each case. Nevertheless, below are the objectives in Roundup cancer lawsuits.

1. Compensation for Damages

The first thing that the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit attorneys do is to demand compensation for damages. However, they will seek compensation for past and future medical expenses related to the treatment of cancer caused by Roundup exposure. 

Pursuing damages for physical and emotional pain and suffering endured by the plaintiff. In addition, if the plaintiff has passed away due to Roundup-related cancer, attorneys may seek damages on behalf of surviving family members. They will demand compensation for funeral expenses and loss of financial support as well.

2. Establishing Liability

Next, the attorneys will be alleging that Monsanto (now Bayer) was negligent in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of Roundup. They will also get proof that the company failed to adequately warn consumers and workers about the potential cancer risks associated with glyphosate.

Furthermore, according to the data from SJ Injury Attorneys,  Monsanto has placed itself susceptible to product liability lawsuits. Somehow, it is according to marketing faults by neglects to provide customers with proper disclaimers, instructions, and cautions regarding the continued use of glyphosate-containing weed pesticides. 

Although the bulk of Roundup lawsuits are still pending, courts have demonstrated their willingness to hold Monsanto responsible. In 2018, Dewayne Johnson, a school groundskeeper, obtained $78.5 million. The decision became invalid on appeal, and damages dropped to $21.5 million in 2020. 

Recommended Law Firms Handling Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit

To fight for your right to health and life, you need to call up good law firms if you are in Roundup cancer matter. Below are the good law firms to handle the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit.

1. Mazzola Law Firm, PLLC

The attorneys from Mazzola Law Firm can be a good choice to handle the Texas Roundup cancer lawsuit. If you are thinking of suing Roundup, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible for a free private consultation. 

You may contact the company via phone (listed on their official website), email (info@mazzolalawfirm.com), or by completing the provided online contact form.

2. SJ Injury Attorneys

Suppose you or a loved one has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after using Monsanto’s Roundup for an extended period. In that case, you must contact a liability attorney as soon as possible. 

SJ Injury Attorneys claim to be set aside to assist persons who have been assaulted by defective goods in obtaining compensation. You can reach them through their website, and get free consultation through their live chat on their official website.

Let’s Learn About the Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit!

Cancer is not a joke because it can harm your life and has a high rate of death for its sufferers. If Roundup is one of the factors that causes this disease to grow inside our body, we have to fight for it to get justice. But, the Texas Roundup Cancer Lawsuit exists to be the safeguard. Let’s learn about it and avoid suffering from cancer!

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