The Signs of Pregnant with IUD Mirena Symptoms on the Body

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The Signs of Pregnant with IUD Mirena Symptoms on the Body

People thought that using an IUD could effectively prevent pregnancy. Nonetheless, IUDs including Mirena are not emergency contraception that can restrict your pregnancy. This function is mainly for birth control. For this reason, there is a possibility of getting pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms on your body. 

This article will discover the symptoms of getting pregnant with Mirena. Read this article to be more aware of the symptoms after using the IUD Mirena.

The Possibility of Pregnant with IUD Mirena

IUDs including Mirena are birth control devices that promise to help you control your pregnancy. However, this device is not an emergency contraception that becomes a necessary device for preventing pregnancy. For this reason, the possibility of being pregnant is moderate. 

The probability could be at least 0.02% for any case. For instance, there is around 1 person in every 5,000 users of Mirena with the possibility of getting pregnant. Regardless, various reasons could occur to cause the failure of preventing pregnancy after the insertion of Mirena.

The major reason for the IUD’s failure to prevent pregnancy is due to unusual movement by the device. It could be traveling around the wall of the uterus and even can move out from its place. When it came out of its place, this device could not work properly anymore. 

In some cases, the failure of the IUD because of this device has not yet happened as it should. The IUD including Mirena has its own effective time to work properly to block the wall of the uterus. It has 7 days after insertion to be able to work on its job. Mirena may work for at least 5 years and can last up to 8 years. 

Additionally, you could experience the effects of pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms when you are about to get pregnant. Your body can detect the expiration date of the IUD Mirena which is put within your body. It can be the reason for IUD failure to block pregnancy probability.

Pregnant with IUD Mirena Symptoms

Like all IUDs, Mirena also has the probability to cause several side effects, especially when you have to experience pregnancy with an IUD. Here is the list of symptoms of using Mirena and unexpectedly getting pregnant.

a. Common Symptoms

The pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms might show you common side effects. You have the potential to experience severe symptoms when the side effects gradually become serious, such as:

  • Missed periods are the main symptom of Mirena when you are getting pregnant. Pregnant women could experience missed periods weeks or months. 
  • Nausea and vomiting are also common to arise during pregnancy. 
  • Headache.
  • Swelling breasts and soreness.
  • Easily to get fatigued and tired.
  • Mild cramping on the stomach or lower abdomen.
  • Light spotting.

Regardless, you could not be too aware of those symptoms leading to pregnancy. Some symptoms are similar to common side effects of IUD use such as light spotting, cramps, and changes in periods.

b. Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

Ectopic pregnancy is the most visible case of getting pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms. This case is reasonable to make you get pregnant since there could be the development of embryo implants outside your uterus. The symptoms are:

  • You could encounter lower back pain when you are getting pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms.
  • Your abdominal or pelvic pain will be mild. This symptom probably leads to severe effects.
  • Then, there is a mild cramping symptom on one side of the pelvis.
  • The failure of IUD Mirena to block your pregnancy will cause abnormal vaginal bleeding.
  • Dizziness and weakness would cause fainting.
  • Shoulder pain.

How Can IUD Mirena Failed to Block Pregnancy?

In brief, there are several reasons why the device fails to block pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms. Look at these situations that cause the failure of the IUD to work on your body.

1. Moved Out

The most detectable reason why IUD fails to prevent pregnancy is when this device moves out from your vagina. When it occurs, there is no device protecting you inside and there is no block for sperm. 

To avoid an unusual move of an IUD, you must be sure of its connected string within your vagina. You have to gradually check its place to make sure it is still placed inside you.

2. Displacement

Aside from unusual movement from the IUD that makes it out of your vagina, this device also can be displaced. It should be in your uterus and protect you from pregnancy, yet it can be displaced to another spot. When it is moved around, you won’t be protected, and can cause a pregnancy.

3. Expired Date

IUD Mirena has an active ingredient within the device. For this reason, this device has an expiration date of 5 to 8 years. However, when it comes to the expiration date, it must not work properly. When you have an expired Mirena inside your body, it will not block the sperm and will cause pregnancy.

Even though there are no serious side effects if you keep using an expired device, you still have to check it out. You must be aware of the long-term pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms if you keep the device up until the expiration date.

4. Working Start

If you are using Mirena as a hormonal IUD, you must be waiting for 7 days after the insertion. This time limit refers to how this device starts working properly to protect you from getting pregnant. When you already have sex before the limit start of Mirena, this device probably can not restrain the sperm. 

Is It Risky to Get Pregnant with IUD Mirena?

Regardless, the pregnant with IUD Mirena symptoms could cause several serious side effects. The way it could improperly protect you from getting pregnant is also concerning. Generally, the most possible symptom of getting pregnant with Mirena is ectopic pregnancy.

It is still safe for you to get pregnant with Mirena within your body. However, if you want to control your pregnancy, you must consider its symptoms. You could experience unusual period cycles, vomiting, and abdominal pain. So, be wise to your device to not undergo serious effects!

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