How Do the Long Term Side Effects of Kyleena Affect Health?

4 min read

How Do the Long Term Side Effects of Kyleena Affect Health?

IUD (Intrauterine Device) is one of the effective ways to prevent pregnancy. This device is provided by various brands such as Kyleena. Within Kyleena, there are certain active ingredients to prevent pregnancy and birth control. Unfortunately, the long term side effects of Kyleena would harm your health.

Do you want to know how this device can be hazardous to your health? This article will discuss and uncover all the side effects of Kyleena. 

Common Side Effects of Kyleena

The use of Kyleena will cause several common side effects that would be mild. These common side effects will last temporarily such as in a few days to weeks. Nevertheless, if you are experiencing the common side effects would be long term side effects of Kyleena, you must inform your medical professional.

Kyleena’s users reported they are experiencing side effects including abdominal pain and pelvic pain. These two types of pains are very common for IUD users. Other side effects that could be mild and common are headaches and acne that most of the time only last for 3-7 days. 

Additionally, during the menstrual period, you could experience painful periods with cramps. The use of Kyleena also causes a change in the period cycle that might make your period earlier or later. Breast pain also occurs when you are using Kyleena.

Further, there are mild side effects of Kyleena that can cause bleeding in the vagina and allergic reactions. These reactions would be mild, yet if you feel these reactions slowly worsening, they will cause other serious side effects. 

Serious Side Effects of Kyleena

Furthermore, those common and mild side effects might lead to the serious side effects of Kyleena. What are the serious side effects after using Kyleena? Here they are:

  • Depression with symptoms you start to lose interest in what you used to like, irritability, and the feeling of sadness. 
  • Ovarian cysts are a result of mild reactions to long term side effects of Kyleena. This disease does not show any symptoms, yet if you experience continuous abdominal pain and pelvic pain, that is the symptom.
  • Pelvic infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. You have to bear with fever, pain during sex, vaginal bleeding, and vaginal discharge.

Long Term Side Effects of Kyleena

Furthermore, those all side effects could lead to long term side effects of Kyleena. Let’s take a look at the following list for more info:

1. Changes in Period Cycle

The changes in the period cycle included the common reactions after inserting IUD Kyleena. However, this device might become severe for long-term use. Spotting between periods, heavy periods, and irregular periods are technically the major symptoms after 6 months of Kyleena insertion. 

Then, after a year of insertion, you might experience less bleeding during your period. The worst case of long term side effects after putting Kyleena is not having a period at all. Due to this condition, some users decided to eject the device to avoid long term side effects of Kyleena that might be more serious than this.

2. Intrauterine Pregnancy and Ectopic Pregnancy

Intrauterine pregnancy is the condition when a fertilized egg implants inside the uterus. This condition is just a common reaction as it is supposed to. On the other hand, the use of Kyleena can cause an Ectopic pregnancy with fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. 

Since you have to experience the uncommon side effects from Kyleena, you could get cramps on one side of your lower stomach. Additionally, when you start to undergo Ectopic pregnancy, you will have light vaginal bleeding. Other pain such as pelvic pain and lower back pain also become its symptoms.

IUD Kyleena’s users tried to take the device out during the pregnancy so as not to undergo too much nausea or vomiting. However, this timing and condition would increase the risk of pregnancy loss. Aside from nausea sickness, Sepsis and preterm labor also can cause pregnancy loss.

3. Sepsis or Severe Infection

Sepsis is one of the long term side effects of Kyleena that occurs after the insertion and could be a severe reaction. The symptoms of this sickness may result in severe pain in your body, fever, and a heart rate that keeps increasing. Even worse, the fast heart rate will make you hardly breathe. 

4. Expulsion

Further, there is a possibility that Kyleena suddenly moved out of your body and failed to prevent pregnancy. Due to the IUD device moving around inside, it will make you experience vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. The movement of this device also results in lower back pain and pelvic pain. 

5. Long Term Side Effects of Kyleena caused Perforation

The long term use of Kyleena might cause an unusual movement from this device. Kyleena can move around the wall until it gets stuck in the cervix or the wall of the uterus. Vaginal bleeding is a common symptom of this side effect of Kyleena. Moreover, to fix this, you should have surgery to make it back to its place.

6. Allergic Reaction

Kyleena has an active ingredient which is Levonorgestrel. This content might cause allergic reactions in some of Kyleena’s users. The common symptoms of this reaction are skin rash, itching, and flushing. In addition, swelling could occur on your skin and mouth. 

Consideration of Using Kyleena

Nonetheless, you must be aware of certain conditions that become the considerations to put the IUD device Kyleena inside. This considerate way is necessary to avoid the long term side effects of Kyleena in the future that might be severe.

You must consider wisely if you are pregnant and using Kyleena at the same time. The device may present errors and result in pregnancy loss. However, when you want to have normal fertility and the normal ability to become pregnant, you can eject the device from the uterus. 

How to Maximize the Use of Kyleena?

Using an IUD device including Kyleena to prevent pregnancy could be an effective choice to help you with birth control. In fact, this device is not only a device but already contains an active ingredient named Levonorgestrel. The appearance of this active ingredient adequacy causes several side effects.

If you want to maximize the use of Kyleena, be aware of every consideration before putting Kyleena inside. You should be unable to use Kyleena when you are pregnant. This condition has the potency to create long term side effects of Kyleena. You can directly eject the device from your uterus if you want to get pregnant.

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