Liletta IUD Removal Side Effects: Legal Navigation for This Case

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Liletta IUD Removal Side Effects: Legal Navigation for This Case

Liletta is a birth control IUD produced by a non-profit pharmaceutical company to help women prevent and regulate pregnancy spacing. Unfortunately, the company received Liletta IUD removal side effects from users who felt disadvantaged. The reason Liletta users hire lawyers is to get legal assistance and proper compensation.

Since the IUD is a contraceptive that is implanted in the uterus, women must be more thoughtful about the side effects it causes. This article will discuss the legal implications of Liletta’s case and how to navigate the law. Let’s wind down and start reading!

Get to know Liletta

Liletta is a T-shaped birth control that can not only prevent pregnancy but also treat heavy menstruation. This contraceptive prevents pregnancy by releasing the hormone levonorgestrel in low doses slowly. This hormone will make the uterine wall produce mucus, thereby preventing sperm from penetrating the woman’s egg cells. 

The levonorgestrel hormone can also control bleeding due to heavy menstruation by controlling the monthly development of the uterine lining. Lileta does not contain estrogen because levonorgestrel is a progastrin hormone.

Since the IUD is not emergency birth control, this contraception cannot protect you from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

According to information from the Drugs page, you can use the Liletta IUD for 8 years to prevent pregnancy. Meanwhile, to treat heavy menstruation and birth control, the usage period can be up to 5 years.

What are the Liletta IUD Side Effects?

Aside from Liletta IUD removal side effects, you also need to know its general side effects including after using this birth control. GoodRx Health shares some IUD side effects, as follows.

1. Side Effects of Liletta IUD Installation

Some people complain of pain after installing Liletta. The pain normally lasts for only a few minutes after installation. Another side effect after Liletta installation is bleeding which you can tell by spotting for several weeks.

Usually, the medical professional who treats you will provide pain relievers to treat the pain. However, if your complaint doesn’t subside for more than a few weeks, make sure you see a doctor so it doesn’t get worse.

2. IUD Removal Side Effects

Liletta IUD removal side effects that are commonly experienced are cramping and spotting. However, this condition does not last long because normally it lasts for days or weeks. 

Some women experience serious side effects after IUD removal. They have severe pain, unusual vaginal discharge, and fever. Thus, it’s best to contact the service provider immediately if you encounter this problem. Ignoring serious side effects will actually lead to more serious adverse health outcomes.

3. Vaginal infections

About 19% of women experience vaginal infections after installing the Liletta IUD. This infection is caused by fungi and bacteria, causing women to experience vaginal discharge. Make sure to contact your service provider as soon as possible to get the right treatment to prevent vaginal infections from getting worse.

4. Ovarian Cyst

If you frequently complain of stomach pain after installing the Liletta IUD, it could be that the pain is due to an ovarian cyst. The reason is, that data shows that around 5% of women develop ovarian cysts after installing an IUD.

Sometimes the development of an ovarian cyst is difficult to recognize since it causes no symptoms. However, ovarian cysts can heal by themselves within 2 or 3 months.

5. Breast Cancer

Liletta IUD removal side effects commonly cause bleeding and pain. However, the use of the Liletta IUD has an appalling side effect because it can trigger breast cancer.

Therefore, if you are a survivor or are currently suffering from breast cancer, it is not highly recommended to use this IUD. Using Liletta can increase the development of breast cancer since this IUD contains progesterone. 

6. Endometriosis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Women must increase their awareness of the dangers of the adverse effects of the Liletta IUD. The reason is that birth control also triggers endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease. These two health problems can be suspected by a serious infection after IUD installation.

Symptoms that you can recognize if endometriosis or PID is indicated include fever, lower abdominal pain, and unusual bleeding. Contacting a service provider would be a smart step if you feel these disturbing symptoms.

Common Grounds Liletta Lawsuit Emergence

After knowing Liletta’s IUD removal side effects and side effects after installation, you also need to know the common grounds that Liletta get a lawsuit. Please take a look at the general reasons according to Jet Law below!

1. Inadequate Research and Testing

Since the IUD is a medical device that is installed in the human body, companies need to conduct adequate research and testing. Hence, the pharmaceutical company can find out whether its product meets safety standards.

Regrettably, the Liletta IUD has received many lawsuits alleging inadequate research and testing. This accusation is based on the large number of women who complained of health problems after installing Liletta proof this accusation. 

2. Allegations of Product Design Negligence

The lawsuit regarding Liletta IUD removal side effects and installation side effects was also sparked by allegations of product design negligence. The lawsuit alleges that Liletta’s design is defective, causing complications and adverse health effects.

If the accusations of negligence in product design are true, then the company must be liable by paying compensation to its users.

3. Inadequate Label Warning

Pharmaceutical companies must clearly include warning labels and update the information regularly if there are changes. Liletta manufacturer was sued for inadequate label warnings that prevented medical professionals and IUD users from receiving information about possible side effects. 

How to File a Lawsuit Against Liletta IUD?

Since birth control harms the users’ health condition, this case is a personal injury. Thus, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer to take this case to court because they have comprehensive knowledge about it to help you get your rights accordingly. 

Let’s Be Mindful with Liletta IUD Removal Side Effects!

To recap, since both Liletta IUD removal side effects and installation are dangerous to health, make sure you are wiser and more mindful in choosing a UID. Consult your health condition with a healthcare provider before using it to get better advice. 

If you have suffered serious health damage, contact a personal injury attorney to help you file a lawsuit. Conversely, you will receive compensation for your well-being and reduce medical costs.

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