What is the Lawsuit for Taking Tylenol While Pregnant?

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What is the Lawsuit for Taking Tylenol While Pregnant?

The lawsuit for taking Tylenol while pregnant is widely known as the Tylenol autism ADHD lawsuit. Some recent studies suggest that there is a link between taking Tylenol during pregnancy and the increased risk of children diagnosed with autism and ADHD. Read below to learn about the potential risks and the ongoing lawsuit.

About Taking Tylenol During Pregnancy

In the lawsuit for taking Tylenol while pregnant, people are filing the case due to complications that may affect the baby inside the womb. Many of the occurring risks are because of prolonged exposure to acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol.

This concern is not unfounded because Tylenol has been a reputable product used by many medical providers to treat headaches and other pregnancy-related pains. However, some research shows that there is a potential link in developing the risk of having neurodevelopmental issues in fetuses with Tylenol use during pregnancy.

Research on Tylenol Link to Autism

People use some of the trusted research as the basis to file a lawsuit for taking Tylenol while pregnant. The research was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in December 2016 titled “Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy and Neurodevelopment: Attention Function and Autism.”

This research involves 2644 pairs of mother and child. It concluded that exposure to acetaminophen before birth is related to the higher number of autism spectrum symptoms observed in males. Also, it revealed adverse effects on attention-related outcomes for both genders. The relation is dependent on the degree of exposure.

Through this conclusion, people claim that manufacturers should have taken preemptive action to warn the public, especially pregnant mothers, about the possible risks of taking Tylenol. They should be aware that there is a heightened risk of children developing autism and ADHD from the mother’s Tylenol usage.

In 2018, an article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reviewed various studies dating from 2013. The article compiled data of 132,738 pairs of mother and child.

Based on the available evidence, the analysis indicates that there is a link between acetaminophen exposure during pregnancy and an increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorder for about 20%-30%.

Later, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) conducted their research in October 2019. The result is available in JAMA Psychiatry and concluded that there is an association between acetaminophen use by pregnant women and an elevated risk of autism and ADHD.

The most recent study was published in Iscience on August 28, 2023. It analyzes the effects of acetaminophen in cord blood. The study concluded that according to the collected data, paracetamol or acetaminophen may play a causal role in impaired neurodevelopment.

Detailing The Risks of Taking Tylenol While Pregnant

Before filing a lawsuit for taking Tylenol while pregnant, you need to know the details of the related risks. Referring to TorHoerman Law, here are the explanations of some documented possible health issues found by scientists who study the long-term effects of Tylenol use during pregnancy.

1. Fetal Development Issues

According to a study published in PloS ONE on 28 September 2022, researchers found that particular disorders might be due to the ability of acetaminophen to pass through the placenta. 

They also come to associate that taking Tylenol during pregnancy could disrupt cell development and cause placental damage. Even though the study isn’t conclusive, researchers believe that the occurrence of placental damage is the reason why Tylenol may cause fetal development issues. 

Furthermore, they discovered that long-term acetaminophen use lasting more than one trimester may lead to some complications. The related complications are the increased risk of developing hyperkinetic disorders and attention-deficit hyperactivity.

2. Developing Reproductive or Urogenital Disorder

Another study suggests that prolonged use of acetaminophen use when pregnant may lead to cryptorchidism and hypospadias. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which a male fetus’ one or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum.

On the other hand, Hypospadias is the condition of failure to develop the urinary tract’s opening properly. Instead, the urinary tract opens on the underside of the penis.

According to a Danish study published in Front Toxicol, 47% of pregnant women were eventually exposed either to generic or branded acetaminophen. Researchers also discovered that exposure to acetaminophen during the first and second trimesters may increase the risk of having cryptorchidism.

3. Increased Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorder

More than one research has suggested the association between prolonged Tylenol use and increased risks of developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Published in Cureus in July 2022, a meta-analysis of more than 2,000 studies indicates that the neurodevelopmental effects of taking Tylenol during pregnancy are not limited to ASD and ADHD. The effects experienced by the child could extend to the following issues:

  • Executive function.
  • Attention
  • Intelligence quotient.
  • Communication ability.
  • Psychomotor development.
  • Behavior.

Lawsuit for Taking Tylenol While Pregnant Progress

The ongoing lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson claim that the company should have been aware of the existing scientific evidence. It refers to the association that acetaminophen could increase the risk of having ASD and ADHD during pregnancy. The plaintiffs said that the company gave warnings to the customers.

However, despite the mounting evidence, the company chose to market Tylenol as safe to take throughout pregnancy. Many people filed lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson mainly because it was the first company to mass produce acetaminophen in 1959.

Concerning the lawsuit for taking Tylenol while pregnant, people are also filed against stores that sell generic acetaminophen products. The stores involved in the lawsuit include Costco, CVS, Family Dollar, Rite Aid, Sam’s Warehouse, Target, Walgreens, and Walmart.

The lawsuits are consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL) No. 3043. Judge Denise L. Cote is the one who oversees these cases in the Southern District of New York. In this MDL, the plaintiffs must fill out the Plaintiff Fact Sheet adopted by Cote. The form contains questions about eligibility and medical history.

Do You Want to File a Lawsuit for Taking Tylenol While Pregnant?

You must look for a qualified attorney to handle your lawsuit for taking Tylenol while pregnant. The attorney can help you collect the necessary medical records and other related evidence to file for a claim. Although the lawsuits regarding this issue are pretty recent, excellent preparation may guarantee you getting the settlement.

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