IUD Infertility Lawsuit: Women’s Health and Life Safeguard

4 min read

IUD Infertility Lawsuit: Women's Health and Life Safeguard

IUD infertility lawsuit finds out the fact that the usage of a defective intrauterine device (IUD) contains injuries consequences for women. It is a serious major case for women’s health and rights. This matter also has a strong relation to the uterus which is the symbol of women and life. Find out more facts about this matter below.

IUD Infertility Lawsuit in Broad Explanation

According to the data, there are two demands for an IUD infertility lawsuit. They are the Mirena IUD lawsuits and the Paragard IUD lawsuits. Below are further explanations.

1. Mirena IUD Infertility Lawsuit 

The first case must be the Mirena IUD infertility lawsuit. Recently, Mirena accused Bayer Pharmaceuticals of concealing adverse effects and manufacturing a faulty intrauterine device (IUD). Somehow, women blame the birth control device for inducing organ rupture and pressure development in the skull. 

In addition, based on the data taken from Drug Watch, the business offered $12.2 million to resolve certain perforation cases. In this case, thousands of women throughout the US have filed lawsuits against Bayer Pharmaceuticals on Mirena birth control. 

Furthermore, they allege that it perforated the uterus, injured organs, and caused pseudotumor cerebri (a malignant fluid buildup in the head). The women claim that Mirena’s problems have reduced their overall quality of life and that they live in fear of potential problems.

The claims allege that the corporation sold a harmful substance. They further argue that the business utilized misleading advertising and concealed the possibility of problems. Further, there are no currently Mirena class action cases in the United States. 

2. Paragard IUD Infertility Lawsuit

Paragard IUDs are a type of long-term contraception that a doctor inserts into the uterus. A copper coil in the T-shaped device emits tiny quantities of copper particles. These trigger a damaging inflammatory response, preventing sperm from penetrating and fertilizing the egg.

The Paragard IUD can keep you from getting pregnant for up to ten years. The gadget also gets praise as being simple to remove because the doctor only needs to pull a release string. Yet, in this case, women file Paragard IUD infertility lawsuits claiming that the Paragard IUD is faulty. 

They also claim that its developers failed to sufficiently alert them or their doctors that the intrauterine device may break during removal. Again, the MDL claims have been filed in Georgia federal court. 

Based on the data taken from Drug Watch, Litigation against Paragard for damage caused by the company’s intrauterine device is still underway. As of December 15, 2023, there were 2,414 outstanding lawsuits and 2,491 cases filed against the corporation in the US District Court in Georgia.

What Are The Risks of Using Both IUDs Usage?

As we have discussed before, IUD infertility lawsuit exists since women demand and are aware of its risks. Below are the usage risks of Mirena IUD devices according to the information from the Lawsuit Information Center.

  • Embedment
  • Intrauterine pregnancy
  • Uterus injury
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation
  • Premature menopause
  • Fetal injuries and death
  • Ectopic pregnancies
  • Cysts
  • Migration
  • Cancer
  • Pseudotumor cerebri
  • Perforation
  • Intracranial hypertension

Furthermore, below are the consequences women can take for using Paragard IUD based on the data from Forbes Advisor.

  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Infertility
  • The device becoming lodges in organs
  • Migration
  • Cervical perforation
  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Inflammation 
  • allergic reaction

The Settlements For IUD Infertility Lawsuit

Here are the settlements the women can take for the IUD infertility lawsuit. Below are the further details about it.

1. The Settlements for Mirena IUDs Lawsuit 

Establishing the data from Forbes Advisor, in 2017, Bayer Pharmaceuticals proposed a $12.2 million settlement for perforation instances. it was purportedly come up with in 2018. Unfortunately, there are no settlement proposals for the IIH cases.

2. The Settlements for Paragard IUDs Lawsuit

As previously said, Paragard’s claims are still in their early stages. Therefore it is not yet feasible to predict if any settlement will be made or how much claimants will get. The particular amount of compensation depends on the plaintiff’s tier. 

The establishment of the plaintiff’s tier is going to vary based on the magnitude of damage. Here are the settlements of the IUD infertility lawsuit Paragard should face based on the data from Forbes Advisor

Injury LevelSettlement Amount Estimation
Least hardly injured<$25,000
Moderate complications$25,000-$75,000
Most hardly affected$100,000-$200,000

Yet, the information from Drug Watch says that The Paragard case is still ongoing. Besides, in this case, no worldwide settlement has been reached as of August 2023. 

If no resolution occurs outside of court, the first judicial cases will commence in 2024. Furthermore, the outcome of these initial prosecution cases will indicate the court’s verdict and potential settlement sums.

2 Recommendation Law Firms to Handle IUD Infertility Lawsuit

To reach fair compensation for the consequences you take, you need an attorney to guide you to win the case. Here are the 2 best law firms to guide you to win an IUD infertility lawsuit.

1. The Cochran Firm

The first one that can accompany you to get through an IUD infertility lawsuit is the Cochran Firm. The injury attorneys at this law company understand the personal difficulties that local citizens endure. Furthermore, they say that you do not need to pay any upfront costs to employ them.

The attorneys take cases on contingency charges, which means there are no fees until you already have a cash reward. This Firm’s experienced attorneys will walk you through the legal procedures. The lawyers also offer legal counsel based on years of experience obtaining settlements and judgments on behalf of their clients.

2. Miller and Zois

If your Paragard IUD device is broken or shattered during the process of elimination (or while implanted), you may be entitled to cash compensation. In these disputes, there is a term of limitations, thus the time to sue is a genuine concern. 

Attorneys at Miller and Zois can assist you in filing your IUD lawsuit before it is too late. You can easily contact them through their official website or the phone number they have written there. 

Let’s Educate Ourselves About IUD Infertility Lawsuit!

God gives the greatest gift to women, the special organs in which a new life will be born in the future. This gift should we, as women, keep to be safe no matter what. And if there is something wrong, there should be great compensation as well. 

Therefore, IUD infertility lawsuits exist to be the safeguard for women’s health and rights. Read it up and do not hesitate to demand if there is something wrong with it!

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