Hysterectomy Lawsuits: Utmost Facts You Need to Know!

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Hysterectomy Lawsuits: Utmost Facts You Need to Know!

Although hysterectomy can be life-saving, unnecessary hysterectomy can lead to severe problems. Therefore, filing hysterectomy lawsuits can give you legal protection from this malpractice. Find out more ground facts about hysterectomy for your health. Keep reading to learn more!

The Overview of Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is a surgical operation to remove a woman’s uterus (womb) to treat certain conditions. After the surgery, the patient might suffer some long-term and short-term side effects, including their ability to get pregnant. Therefore, this operation should be the last resort to treat patients’ conditions. 

Why is This Hysterectomy Performed?

The healthcare staff offers hysterectomy to treat the fatal conditions that occur in patients’ bodies. The following are certain conditions involved.

  • Abnormal conditions that might lead to cancers;
  • uterus, ovaries, or cervical cancer;
  • abnormal vaginal bleeding that other treatments could manage it;
  • uncontrolled bleeding during childbirth;
  • tumors in the uterus, such as leiomyomas or uterine fibroids;
  • situation that relates to your uterus, such as recurrent uterine polyps, adenomyosis, and hyperplasia;
  • uterine prolapse, or the state where the uterus slips down into or protrudes out of the vagina due to weakened supporting muscle;
  • heavy pain with menstruation that other treatments could manage; and
  • chronic pelvic pain that other treatments could resolve.

In life-and-death situations, the doctors could perform a hysterectomy without your permission. However, the doctor must do every possible alternative treatment before performing a hysterectomy on the patient. 

Depending on the patient’s condition, the surgery might also remove other organs and tissue near the uterus, like ovaries and fallopian tubes. After the surgery, the patient won’t be able to get pregnant or menstruation.

Since the surgery affects your life, the doctor should ask for your permission to conduct a hysterectomy if the circumstance is not emergency. If you experience unnecessary surgery, you should file hysterectomy lawsuits to get legal help.

4 Types of Hysterectomy 

These are the four types of hysterectomy. See the explanation below!

1. Total Hysterectomy

A total hysterectomy takes out the whole uterus and cervix.

2. Supracervical or Subtotal Hysterectomy

Supracervical hysterectomy takes off the upper part of the uterus and leaves the cervix. 

3. Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy

This hysterectomy removes the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes or salpingectomy, and ovaries or oophorectomy. 

4. Radical Hysterectomy

This hysterectomy takes away the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, the upper part of the vagina, limp glands, and fatty tissue. Radical hysterectomy only occurs when there is cancer involved. 

The Problems of Hysterectomy

The complications due to hysterectomy are the reasons why women file hysterectomy lawsuits. It also can be your consideration before undergoing the surgery. These are some adverse effects you might encounter after taking the surgery.

1. Long-Term Side Effects of Hysterectomy 

The research found that hysterectomy has adverse effects in the long term. These effects might involve cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and urinary problems. Furthermore, you may also encounter other long-term side effects, as follows. 

a. Early Menopause

If you get a hysterectomy with ovaries removal, you will experience the menopause immediately afterward. Meanwhile, If you have the surgery without ovary removal, you will enter menopause sooner than you expected. You may foresee entering menopause within approximately five years. 

After you get the surgical menopause, you will experience some menopause symptoms, including:

  • sweating,
  • trouble sleeping,
  • hot flushes, and 
  • vaginal dryness.

Moreover, women who get hysterectomies under the age of 40 years old will enter the premature menopause. As a result, they are at risk for several health problems, like osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. Yet, there are some treatment options to treat those illnesses; for example hormone replacement therapy. 

b. Low Sex Drive

Every woman has a different experience of this condition. Some women claim they feel enjoyment of sex after a hysterectomy surgery. Meanwhile, others report they lose interest in having sex following the surgery. This problem may be due to the vaginal dryness that makes the intercourse uncomfortable. 

Using lubricant gels or hormone replacement therapy may help to increase comfort levels. Moreover, having a supportive partner is helpful for a woman to recover post-surgery.

2. Short-Term Side Effects of Effect Hysterectomy 

Aside from the long-term effects, you should also consider the short-term effects. Although these effects are temporary, complications might occur if not treated properly. You may file hysterectomy lawsuits if the doctor gives you the wrong treatment. 

a. Vaginal Discharge

Following the surgery, you may encounter vaginal discharge or bleeding. This condition is normal and heals in a few weeks. However, you should call the doctor if the symptom gets worse, for instance, blood clots or bad smell discharges.

b. Bowel Disturbance

After the surgery, there may be changes in your bowel and bladder function when going to the toilet. These symptoms are temporary. Moreover, you can prevent it by consuming more fruits and fiber in your diet. 

c. Depression

Some women might undergo depression following a hysterectomy procedure. Since removing the uterus means they can’t get pregnant or menstruation, they might feel a sense of loss and sadness. Having a supportive partner can be helpful for a woman to recover post-surgery.

3. The Possible Risks of The Surgery

Like any surgery, a hysterectomy has the possibility of complications. The complications may include:

  • infection,
  • bleeding,
  • blood clots,
  • breathing problems,
  • injury in a nearby area, and
  • allergic to the medicine. 

When is the Doctor Accountable for Hysterectomy Lawsuits?

Some side effects of hysterectomy may be natural after the surgery. However, sometimes, the doctor makes mistakes and causes severe injury to the patient. The following three conditions are considered as the ground which makes the medical staff liable for malpractice.

1. Negligence Act

When the doctor does not follow the prompt instructions, they may make mistakes during the surgery. Consequently, the patient suffers acute complications due to the doctor’s negligence.

2. Operating without Your Consent

If it’s not a life-and-death situation, the doctor must alternate methods to treat the patients. Therefore, they must ask for your consent before undergoing a hysterectomy procedure. 

3. Misdiagnose Lead to Unnecessary Operation

Related to the previous point, hysterectomy should be the last resort. If the physician resolves the disease e with a hysterectomy without finding other alternatives, it may lead to unnecessary operation.

In fact, some conditions don’t require a hysterectomy as the solution, for example, pelvic bleeding, benign uterine fibroids, and interstitial cystitis. 

How a Lawyer Helps You with Hysterectomy Lawsuits?

You must prove that the medical teams are wrong to win the lawsuit. For this reason, you’ll need professional help. The lawyer will assist you in understanding the statute of limitation or deadline to file the lawsuit. Besides, they also help you to review the case and file a lawsuit quickly before the deadline. 

Moreover, the attorney will aid in inspecting the incident, gathering evidence, and negotiating with the liable party’s legal representative.

Get Legal Help with Hysterectomy Lawsuits!

Even though a hysterectomy can save your life, there are many better options that should be considered. The medical team should know when to perform that surgery. Thus, they should respect your concerns and do their best for your health.

If you suspect the medical team is responsible for your injury, you should file  hysterectomy lawsuit with the assistance of a professional attorney. With their broad knowledge, they will win your case and bring out the best settlement for you. 

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