Flagyl Neuropathy Lawsuit: 3 Harmful Effects You Need to Know

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Flagyl Neuropathy Lawsuit: 3 Harmful Effects You Need to Know

The Flagyl neuropathy lawsuit is a response to the severe health problems and complications caused by Flagyl consumption. The drug mentioned is known to be dangerous drugs. Thus, physicians must prescribe its usage under full consideration. 

Accordingly, people should also be aware of this medicine to prevent suffering from its careless consumption. Let’s unwrap more details regarding the mentioned drug and the lawsuit through the discussion below!

What is Flagyl (Metronidazole)?

Before filing the Flagyl neuropathy lawsuit, you may need further understanding of this medicine. Flagyl or Metronidazole is an antibiotic medicine for preventing infections. This medicine works to stop the growth of certain bacteria and parasites.  

The consumption of Metronidazole is effective in treating infections in certain parts of the body. The areas of the body include the reproductive system, skin, heart, bone, lung, gastrointestinal tract, blood, and nervous system. Furthermore, this medicine also works to take care of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 

However, this medicine won’t be efficient in treating viral infections such as common flu, or cold. Keep in mind that using this drug when it is not necessary can cause the drug to be less efficient if there is an infection in the future.

How is This Medicine Used? 

Metronidazole is effective in treating bacteria or parasite infections. Hence, this medicine would be helpful to treat the following health conditions.

  • A sexually transmitted infection (symptomatic trichomoniasis) in adults;
  • asymptomatic trichomoniasis in females when related to endocervicitis, cervicitis, or cervical erosion;
  • asymptomatic trichomoniasis to sexual partner;
  • amebiasis or infections caused by parasites; and
  • anaerobic bacterial infections (infections caused by bacteria that don’t need oxygen to survive). 

Before using Flagyl medicine, talk to the doctor or pharmacist about the prescription. Bear in mind to always follow their instructions when consuming the medication. Moreover, take this medication regularly even if you feel better. Also, do not stop taking the medicine without a doctor’s instruction.  

Metronidazole might not be suitable for children or teenagers. Additionally, girls who have not begun having menstruation periods can’t consume Flagyl. 

Generally, people should be more careful about their consumption of this drug. If you take too much Metronidazole, contact the doctor or emergency room immediately.

Furthermore, this medication is carcinogenic or can produce cancer cells in animals. For humans, however, the effect is ambiguous. Therefore, it is better to discuss this medication with your doctor. 

If you experience severe damage due to Metronidazole taking, do not halt to get medical treatment accordingly. If the prescription causes harm to you, as a form of malpractice, you may file the Flagyl neuropathy lawsuit to get your compensation. 

What are The Side Effects of Metronidazole?

Flagyl or Metronidazole has a black box warning. This black box warning is the highest safety-related alert from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It indicates that the drug has dangerous side effects. Thus, the doctor who prescribed this medication to you should be aware of the side effects. 

1. The Common Side-Effects

Flagyl or Metronidazole induces several common side effects. Some effects are harmless, but you still must inform the doctor about your condition.  The common side effects involve these symptoms: 

  • headache,
  • nausea or vomiting,
  • loss of appetite,
  • diarrhea,
  • metallic taste, 
  • stomach upset,
  • heartburn, and 
  • constipation.

2. Serious Side-Effects

In the other scenario, this medication can cause more severe complications. Hence, call for medical treatment right away if you experience those complications. The serious complications might involve:

  • confusion;
  • numbness, burning, pain, and prickling in the hands and feet;
  • vaginal itching;
  • seizures;
  • unsteadiness;
  • joint pain;
  • mood changes;
  • dizziness, trouble speaking;
  • painful urination; and 
  • vision problem.

3. Rare Serius Adverse-Effects

In the worst case, the side effects of Metronidazole can be symptoms of dangerous complications. The study found rare complications can occur due to long-term or short-term Metronidazole use. Seek immediate help if you suffer from the following conditions. 

a. Cerebellar Syndrome

The consumption of Metronidazole has the potential to cause cerebellar syndrome. Cerebellar syndrome means difficulties in coordination that cause balance problems and gait disorders. 

As a result, this condition could cause other problems, like uncoordinated movement, ataxia, dysarthria (speech problem), imbalance, vision problems, and vertigo. Additionally, people with Metronidazole-induced Cerebellar Syndrome are likely to have encephalopathy or peripheral neuropathy. 

b. Encephalopathy

Encephalopathy is a condition that can lead to brain dysfunction. A person who suffers encephalopathy due to Metronidazole can suffer confusion, loss of memory, and loss of consciousness. In severe conditions, the condition can lead to coma. 

Further complications of encephalopathy may involve permanent brain damage, developmental delays in babies and children, and coma that requires breathing support. 

Suffering from this compilation can be a horrible experience for you. Consider filing a Flagyl neuropathy lawsuit assisted by a professional lawyer to inspect if the case involves the negligence of the medical staff. 

c. Seizures

A seizure is a burst of uncontrollable electrical activity in the brain. Thus, it causes temporary changes in behavior, movement, feelings, and level of consciousness. 

Metronidazole may cause a variety of seizures. The types include generalized tonic-clonic seizures, myoclonus involving generalized, and seizures related to encephalopathy and obtundation. 

d. Optic Neuropathy

This condition is quite rare for Metronidazole treatment. However, some patients reported they suffered from this symptom. The patients report that their visual problems develop from subacute to chronic after prolonged treatment. 

The symptoms of these visual problems involve reduced visual acuity, scotomas or blind spots, and abnormal color vision. 

e. Sensorimotor Neuropathy

Metronidazole consumption can also cause peripheral neuropathy or sensorimotor neuropathy. Many patients who have Cebebillar Syndrome or Encephalopathy also develop symptoms of neuropathy. The latter can cause severe damage or even permanent injuries. 

What Should You Do Before Taking This Medication?

Since Flagyl medicine is dangerous, rather than filing a Flagyl neuropathy lawsuit, it’s better to take precautions to prevent the side effects. Usually, before prescribing this medicine, the doctor will ask about your medical condition. Tell them if you have these conditions:

  • a heart rhythm disorder;
  • blood cell disorders like anemia;
  • medical problems related to brain and nerve damage;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • a yeast infection or fungal infection;
  • stomach or intestinal disease;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • medical history related to blood; and
  • taking medication, especially lithium, warfarin, cimetidine, busulfan, phenytoin, or phenobarbital. 

Furthermore, the doctor wouldn’t let you take this medication if you are allergic to Metronidazole, tinidazole, or secnidazole. Additionally, you should not take Metronidazole if you are under some particular conditions, such as:

  • drinking alcohol in the last three days;
  • consuming propylene glycine food or medicine in the last three days;
  • taking disulfiram or Antabuse within the last 14 days; or
  • having Cokyane Syndrome or the condition of growth and development disorder.

Can You File Flagyl Neuropathy Lawsuit?

The consumption of Metronidazole can cause complications. If you suffer injuries or side effects after taking this medication, it would be helpful to consult with a lawyer who specializes in pharmaceutical lawsuits. They can help you to investigate whether your complications are due to malpractice.

Moreover, the complications after taking Metronidazole can affect your nervous system. As a result, you will need medical treatment to treat the complication. That’s why the lawyer will provide you with legal protection. They will also fight on your behalf to gain compensation for your injury.  

Should You File a Flagyl Neuropathy Lawsuit for Your Injury?

Taking Flagyl or Metronidazole requires thorough care since consumption of Flagyl in long and short-term risks complications, such as nerve damage. The complications certainly cause you more pain and require more medical treatment.

Filing a Flagyl neuropathy lawsuit assisted by an experienced lawyer would be beneficial to find out any negligence or malpractice act that causes you health damage. If the evidence shows there are malpractice acts,  the medical staff is highly possibly liable for your injuries. Accordingly, you deserve fair restitution. 

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