List of Products Containing Paraquat: Get Rid of The 60+ Brands!

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List of Products Containing Paraquat: Get Rid of The 60+ Brands!

Paraquat exposure is harmful to people! Hence, knowing the list of products containing paraquat helps you to avoid usage or exposure to the toxic chemical it contains. Broadly speaking, when you know which products contain paraquat you likely have the choice to avoid it. 

So, without being hasty, let’s scroll down your screen carefully to learn more about the chemical mentioned in this post!

Brief Introduction about Paraquat

Before breaking down the list of products containing paraquat, you need to know what this chemical means. Paraquat is one of the most used herbicides or weed killers in the US. It is fit to control weeds and grass growth in many agricultural and non-agricultural environments. 

What is the Chemical Used for?

Paraquat is a chemical ingredient for many herbicides. The notable brand names that use this chemical are Gramoxone, Helmquat, and Parazone. The purpose of paraquat is mainly to remove leaves from hops, kill weeds and grass, dry out cotton crops before harvest, and demolish potato stems.

However, this chemical ingredient is highly toxic and can cause severe medical problems. Therefore, the paraquat product must be hoarded with the proper label to prevent children from using it. In the USA, only licensed persons can use paraquat. Even so, the certified persons are still at risk for paraquat poisoning.

3 Characteristics of Paraquats

Paraquat’s characteristic is to reduce the risk of accidental ingestion. You can identify the paraquat containment through its characteristics as mentioned below. 

1. Paraquat’s Color

Most paraquat products are blue in color. In this way, it can help people distinguish this chemical from other drinks.

2. Pungent Smell

Paraquat has a distinct and strong smell. It lets people understand that the chemical is dangerous based on its smell. 

3. Ingredient to Make You Vomit

The product contains material that causes the consumer to vomit if accidentally consumed. 

The List of Products Containing Paraquat

Knowing which products contain paraquat can help you avoid exposure or usage of this dangerous product. Check the following list you need to know to preclude paraquat chemicals.

1. List of Paraquat-contained products

The following list mentions products that contain paraquat. Please refrain from using these products if you are not a licensed applicator. 

No.Brand NameNo.Brand Name
1.Action 2.Agroxone 
3.Agroquat 4.Almoxone 
5.Cap Pelanduk6.Capayam
13.Dextrone X14.Dexuron
37.Marman 38.Herbiquat
39.Methyl Viologen Dichloride40.Multiquat

2. Manufacturer that produces Paraquat Products

Several manufacturers are involved in producing paraquat items. The list below is some manufacturers that manufacture paraquat products.

  • Altitude Crop Innovations,
  • Adama Group,
  • Chevron Chemical Company,
  • Drexel Chemical Company,
  • Helm Agro,
  • Innvictis Crop Care,
  • Syngenta,
  • Sinon USA, and
  • United Phosphorus.

The Danger of Paraquat Products

As a dangerous chemical, knowing the list of products containing paraquat will make you more selective in choosing herbicides. Moreover, the possible side effects could cause severe complications.

1. Adverse Effects of Paraquat

Paraquat poisoning can lead to death. One teaspoon of paraquat is enough to cause death. This is because the chemical absorbs quickly and causes damage to cells. As a result, the widespread provokes complications to your liver, kidney, and lungs.

For instance, if paraquat collects in your lung, the damage will cause several problems, like internal bleeding, scarring, and trouble breathing. 

Moreover, paraquat and other pesticides are associated with Parkinson’s disease which is a disorder that impacts the nervous system. Exposure to paraquat products will increase the chance of getting Parkinson’s disease. 

Additionally, agricultural workers are most likely at risk for paraquat exposure. Thus, they are prone to Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, there are more side effects of paraquat poisoning. The adverse effects include:

  • cell death,
  • tissue death,
  • blood clots,
  • mouth ulcers,
  • lung scarring,
  • lung cysts with fluid,
  • liver failure,
  • lung collapse,
  • kidney failure,
  • mineral salt imbalance,
  • dehydration, and 
  • low blood pressure.

2. Symptoms of Paraquat Exposure

Several symptoms occur when you get poisoned by paraquat. Generally, the symptoms will appear in your digestive system, particularly your mouth. The symptoms include: 

  • pain in the tongue and mouth;
  • vomiting;
  • swelling and bleeding in the mouth and tongue;
  • tongue sores;
  • stomach cramps or pain; and
  • blood diarrhea.

On further complications, other symptoms will occur, as follows:

  • fast heart rate;
  • respiratory failure or breathing problems;
  • muscle weakness;
  • confusion;
  • seizures; and 
  • coma.

The Treatment of Paraquat Poisoning

Suppose you get poisoned by any product in the list of products containing paraquat. Then, you should get medical attention right away from a health provider. They will treat your injury with some treatments, like Fuller’s Earth or activated charcoal. 

If you spill paraquat products onto your skin or clothes, there are some things you need to do to prevent contamination. For instance:

1. Take your clothes immediately. If you help someone remove their clothes, avoid touching the paraquat area. 

2. Wash your skin right away with a large amount of soap and water. 

3. Rinse your eyes with water for 10-15 minutes if your eyes are burning.

4. Remove your contact and put it on contaminated clothes. If you wear glasses, wash them with water and soap.

5. Throw your contaminated clothes in a plastic bag. Avoid touching the clothes with bare hands. Call emergency personnel to help you. 

6. Go to the hospital immediately.

Which Are Countries That Banned Paraquat?

Since paraquat is poisonous, many countries forbid the usage of this chemical. A study in Korea found that the prohibition of paraquat affects the mortality rate. Despite that study, the USA does not ban paraquat or paraquat-contained products. However, due to its acute toxicity, the following countries prohibit paraquat products:

  • European Union,
  • China,
  • Denmark,
  • Switzerland,
  • United Kingdom,
  • Brazil,
  • Germany,
  • Sweden,
  • Austria,
  • Finland,
  • Slovenia,
  • Malaysia,
  • Cambodia,
  • Kuwait,
  • United Arab Emirates (UAE), and
  • Syria.

Lawsuit for Paraquat Exposure

After knowing the list of products containing paraquat, you understand that this chemical is dangerous. If you or your loved ones get injured due to paraquat exposure, seek legal help right away. 

Filing a paraquat lawsuit will help you to find who is responsible for your injury. Moreover, the lawyer will ensure you can recover from the damage of paraquat with the best compensation. 

Avoid the Products in the List of Products Containing Paraquat!

As a highly toxic chemical, paraquat has many risks. Exposure to the paraquat products could cause severe complications for your health. Therefore, you should know the list of products containing paraquat to prevent any accidents. Additionally, go to the doctor for further help regarding paraquat poisoning. 

For certain conditions, you may seek a legal advisor for further investigation and to resolve the issue. It’s not only beneficial for you but also crucial to prevent any further mishaps. 

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